Terms & Conditions | Coworking Spaces

Terms & Conditions from Coworking online signup:


    1. In consideration of the payment by the Member of the Monthly Plan Fee specified overleaf, TEC permits the Member to use the Plan Inclusions and Services governed and defined by this Agreement from the Commencement Date until terminated in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement.
    2. Definition: TEC Coworking Space is either a shared lounge or shared office space in a collaborative work environment. Workspaces are available on a first-come, first-serve basis.
    3. TEC shall provide the Member with the subscribed Service Plans (“Plan Inclusions”) specified:

      1. City Pass – a monthly plan that entitles the Member to access all TEC’s Coworking Space in their home city, with Wi-Fi connectivity for two devices.
      2. Global Pass – a monthly plan that entitles the Member to access any TEC Centre throughout our global network, with Wi-Fi connectivity for two devices.
      3. Dedicated Desk Plan – a monthly plan that entitles the Member to use a dedicated desk within TEC’s Coworking Space at the allotted Centre with Wi-Fi connectivity for two devices.
      4. Day Office (10 days) – a monthly plan that entitles the Member ten (10) days of shared workspace access to a vacant office in the Member’s home city, within TEC’s operational hours. The vacant office will either be selected by the Member via our in-house system, subject to availability, or assigned by a TEC Staff upon Member check-in. Wi-Fi connectivity is granted for two devices only during recognised daily operating hours.
      5. Day Office – a monthly plan that entitles the Member shared workspace access to a vacant office in the Member’s home city, within TEC’s operational hours. The vacant office will either be selected by the Member via our in-house system, subject to availability, or assigned by a TEC Staff upon Member check-in. Wi-Fi connectivity is granted for two devices only during recognised daily operating hours.
      6. Entitlement days are non-accruable and will refresh on a monthly basis.
    4. Service Plans are subject to the following conditions:

      1. Subscriptions are for designated users only, and are non-transferable and cannot be shared by any third party.
      2. Coworking Space usage is only limited to the subscribed user and any subscribed affiliate.
      3. Any dedicated desk assigned to a Member is not fixed or guaranteed for the duration of their membership. TEC reserves the right to re-assign or move a Member's dedicated desk location at any time without prior notice. However, TEC will make reasonable efforts to provide a Member with a new dedicated desk in a suitable location if their assigned desk needs to be changed, but cannot guarantee a specific desk or area.
      4. Access to other TEC Centres (Lounges) is allowed only during operating hours for all relevantly subscribed plan users. Use of the coworking space outside of entitlements will be charged at ad hoc rates stated in services price guide.
      5. TEC reserves the right to provide alternative facilities should any Coworking Space be not available, and the right to impose charges on the usage of non-subscribed services.
    5. The following additional Business Services are available in accordance with TEC’s published rates updated from time to time. It is clarified that these Services are available to all Members on an optional basis and may subject to additional charges during non-operating hours:

      • Dedicated secretarial, accounting, errands or other business services
      • Food and beverage services
      • Courier services
      • Photocopying and scanning
      • Translations
      • Car parking
      • Business Licensing Assistance
      • Office supplies
      • Video conferencing
      • Meeting and conference rooms
      • Other services

    1. The Member is required to provide at least 1 form of valid photo ID and proof of address. TEC reserves the right, at its absolute discretion, to terminate the Plan if the documentation is not received or TEC at its sole discretion suspects the documentation is not genuine. As a condition of membership, all Members are required to complete the KYC process and submit any necessary documentation within 7 days after purchasing the Plan. In the event that TEC does not receive the required documentation from the Member, TEC reserves the right, at its absolute discretion, to terminate the membership.
    2. Credit card billing or direct debit is a mandatory requirement for membership. By selecting credit card payment, Member irrevocably authorise TEC, on the invoice due date, to deduct the Plan Fee, along with any relevant taxes payable in advance, and all Services billed in arrears from the Member's credit card. A pro-rata adjustment will be made for any partial period.
    3. Failed credit card and direct debit payments - Should payment fail, TEC will attempt to deduct the invoiced amount on each of the following 4 days, for each failure, an email will be sent advising of failed payment. A failed payment fee equivalent to 10% of the Plan fee will be applied. Following 4 unsuccessful attempts, Member's account and all services will be terminated due to failed payment until Member resolves outstanding payments.
    4. Members who select to pay by direct debit or bank transfer shall for the duration of this Agreement pay by the due date on the Invoice the Plan Fee payable in advance and all Services billed in arrears. In addition, insufficient funds from direct debit payments will also result in additional charges similar to declined or reversed credit cards.
    5. In the event that the Member does not pay within 14 day(s) from the invoice issue date the total amount as stated on an invoice TEC shall be entitled to:

      1. Suspend partial or all services provided by TEC to the Member including, but not limited to telephone and mail service. Any outstanding payments owed to TEC for more than 14 days will incur an administration fee of 10% per annum on the overdue balance, charged monthly, until full payment is received. The Member is responsible for covering all bank fees.
      2. Block Member access to any coworking, meeting room or printing entitlements, plus any dedicated storage and change appropriate locks without prior notice.
      3. Vacate any dedicated storage.
      4. Claim all costs including legal fees associated with recovering all monies owed to TEC from the Member.
      5. Charge a reactivation fee plus taxes where appropriate.
      6. Charge a monthly temporary pause fee, plus applicable taxes where appropriate.
    6. The Member shall pay the total amount stated on the invoice to TEC without any deduction or set off whatsoever.
    7. The Member shall pay for all bank charges, exchange rate differences, currency adjustments and other such charges related to the Plan Fee and Penalties.
  3. FEES

    1. The Monthly Plan Fee is subject to an automatic annual rate review, resulting in a 5% increase from the initial start date specified overleaf and based on the standard price, excluding any introductory discounts or promotions.
    2. Upon the completion of the initial term as stated in the contract, Plan Fees will be determined at the sole discretion of TEC. Member will be given a minimum notice period of 30 days for any changes in Plan Fees following the end date listed on the Agreement.
    3. A range of other pay-as-you-use services (“Services”), including but not limited to excessive incoming call charges, secretarial services, photocopying and printing, scanning, postage and bulk mail, international and local courier, top-up coworking hours, storage lockers, and meeting rooms are available to the Member at rates specified in TEC's price guides, during normal business hours and subject to availability. If TEC or its suppliers provide any Service to the Member, charges will be applied at the rates mentioned in TEC's Member price guides. TEC reserves the right to review, add, or modify the prices in the Member price guides by providing one month's notice to the Member.

    1. For all plans listed under 1.(c), the Member shall pay to TEC the Bond upon the signing of the Agreement and at most no later than 5 business days. The Bond shall be returned to the Member within 60 days after the End Date of this Agreement with Member bank details, provided that the Member has complied with its obligations under this Agreement and subject to the deduction of an amount in respect of outstanding Invoices and Penalties according to TEC. TEC shall have the right to terminate this Agreement if the Bond is not received timely.
    2. Neither the giving of the Deposit nor any deduction from it by TEC shall relieve the Member from any of its obligations under this Agreement nor otherwise limit the right of TEC to recover against the Member for any breach of this Agreement found during or after the End Date of this Agreement.
    3. TEC has a full right to the Deposit with regard to a breach of this Agreement by the Member. In the event of any withdrawal from the Deposit by TEC due to default from the Member, the Member shall replace any such sum withdrawn within 14 days of being notified of such withdrawal.
    4. If the Member fails to provide sufficient information to return the Deposit within 360 days after the End Date of this Agreement, the Deposit shall be deemed forfeited to TEC without any Member Approval or notification.
    5. If the Member's monthly account exceeds the Security Deposit by 50% or more, TEC will inform the Member about the required increase in the Security Deposit, equal to the excess amount. The increased Deposit is due in the next billing period.
  5. TAXES

    Any amount payable by the Member under this Agreement will be exclusive of local taxes, including, but not limited to goods and services tax. If any supply made by TEC under this Agreement is a taxable supply, TEC must provide the Member with a valid invoice usable for taxation purposes and the Member must pay an additional amount to TEC which is equal to the consideration payable by the Member for relevant supply multiplied by the prevailing local tax rate.


    Termination of this Agreement will be subject to the following terms:

    1. This Agreement is rolling and will renew on a monthly rolling basis following the end date. Agreements may be ended by either party on the last day of any calendar month by providing at least one full calendar month written notice. Notice must be received by the last business day of the month prior. E.g. if you want your service to end on 31st October, written notice must be received by the last working day of September. TEC offers no exceptions to this rule.
    2. The Member will be released from its obligations under this Agreement and allowed to terminate prior to the End Date of this Agreement subject to the Member paying TEC the full Plan Fee for the unexpired term together with all other outstanding invoices and Penalties (if any). Upon settlement of these terms received by TEC, any Deposit will then directly be refunded to the Member.
    3. This Agreement may be terminated forthwith in the event of any breach of the obligations on the part of the Member. TEC shall be entitled (but not obliged) to retain any personal effects or other belongings of the Member until all arrears owed to TEC have been paid or other loss made good. In the event of non-payment within 14 days TEC shall be entitled to dispose of any goods retained in settlement of any arrears and any cost of such disposal without prior notice or approval.
    4. TEC has the authority to promptly terminate this Agreement if its team Members experience harassment from the Member or individuals attempting to contact the Member. Additionally, if TEC has reasonable grounds to suspect immoral, unethical, illegal, or fraudulent business practices, it reserves the right to terminate this Agreement immediately, discontinue all services, and inform the relevant authorities.
    5. If the Member terminates its subscription, the Member must return all keys (if any) and other means of access to the Centre, forfeit rights to the phone number and related services, cease to use TEC's address on all of its company documents, business registration, and marketing materials. TEC reserves the right to continue billing the Member at listed plan rates for each month that the Member continues to utilise TEC's information on said documents and materials beyond the End Date of this Agreement, and to litigate if it deems appropriate. In the event the Member has lost any keys or access cards to the Centre, the Member must pay thereplacement fee of such lost items.

    The Member shall have 14 days to dispute a charge from the invoice due date. TEC will only provide a refund in the event that an incorrect amount has been charged to the Member.


    The Member shall not:

    1. Conduct himself/herself in an unprofessional and irresponsible manner or act in any way that may cause nuisance, annoyance or injury to the other Members/users of TEC Centres.
    2. Occupy space for commercial display, product display, storage, lodging, sleeping, or for immoral or illegal purposes.
    3. Leave personal belongings unattended. TEC is not responsible for any loss or damage of personal belongings. Unattended personal belongings might be removed by on-duty TEC team Members.
    4. Impede or interfere with TEC’s right of possession, control of the Centre and operations.
    5. Use the Centre otherwise than for the Member’s business and in any event shall not permit the Centre, Plan Inclusions or Services provided, to be used for any illegal activity.
    6. Interfere with the conduct of TEC’s business and during the term of this Agreement and for 6 months thereafter shall not offer employment to or hire directly or indirectly any staff of TEC. If the Member employs directly or indirectly any member of TEC’s staff during such period, the Member shall pay to TEC within seven (7) days of the said member of staff commencing his or her new employment a recruitment fee equal to 25% of the said first year gross salary or hire costs including guaranteed bonuses or benefits.
    7. By way of commission payable to TEC by the Member, the Member agrees that, in the event that the Member entices, convinces or otherwise causes an existing Member of TEC to vacate the Premises, to pay to TEC a commission equal to 12-month’s rental of the company that has been enticed or convinced to vacate the Premises.
    8. Alter, install, remove nor damage any furniture, fixtures, decorative materials, office equipment, IT cabling and telecommunications tools from within TEC's Coworking Space, allocated desks, dedicated workspaces and common areas, in which the Members or any person authorized by the Member to enter or be in the Centre have had access due to neglect, omission, deliberate or careless acts, or a breach of any condition in this Agreement. TEC shall have the right to claim compensation from the Member for repairs, replacement, loss or damages.

    The Member shall:

    1. Observe and adhere to all the rules and regulations updated from time to time made by TEC for the management of the Centre.
    2. Agree that TEC’s Coworking Space, allocated desks and dedicated workspaces are under 24-hour CCTV surveillance. TEC will only provide CCTV footage based on the request of local law enforcer, complying to local enforcement law.
    3. Be liable for any damage caused by the Member or by those in TEC Centres with the Member’s permission or at the Member’s invitation, whether express or implied including but not limited to all the Member’s employees, contractors, agents or other persons present at TEC Centres. In the event of such damage, TEC shall be entitled to take all steps necessary to rectify the same.
    4. Be required to formally check in and check out of the Centre upon both entry and departure.
    5. Vacate the daily allocated office unit along with all personal belongings prior or at the end of every business day. This only applies to Day Office (10 days) or Day Office Members.

    TEC shall:

    1. Keep the facilities in the Centre in working order and properly cleaned and equipped.
    2. Have the ultimate right to remove the Member from the Centre.
    3. Provide the Member with an alternative Centre should TEC require the Member to move during the term or subsequent terms of this Agreement.
    4. Provide reception, switchboard and other Business Services during normal business opening hours, Monday to Friday (excluding official public holidays). Subject to TEC's discretion which will be communicated to all Members well in advance.
    5. Not be under liability for any trespassing or access of non-authorised or non-TEC service subscriber into the Premises in case of emergency.
    6. Have the right at any time to access and enter the allocated desk and dedicated workspace to carry out inspection, to make repairs and alterations, and provide services and cleaning, subject to prior verbal approval by the Member except in the case of an emergency, mail delivery or cleaning service, where no such verbal approval needs be obtained.
    7. Reserve the right to allocate a full business day of coworking usage to the Member’s account should the Member not check in or check out of the Centre when TEC has reasonable belief that the Member accessed the premises. TEC Team will openly communicate this with the Member before any final allocation is made.
    8. Reserve the right to provide the Member with alternative allocated desk and/or dedicated workspace should there be any reasonable operational requirements.

    1. TEC shall not be under liability for failure to have any of the Centre facilities available for the Member because of use by any other person within the Centre and TEC shall not be liable to the Member if for any temporary reason the Member is unable to obtain access to the Centre.
    2. TEC is not responsible for the theft of or damage to any equipment, chattels or goods whilst the Member is a tenant of TEC.
    3. The Member shall not be entitled to any compensation as a result of any failure of data security or computer systems or as a result of TEC failing to provide any of the Plan Inclusions or Services in accordance with this Agreement as a result of any breakdown or strike or delay or failure of any staff, manager or caretaker to perform their duties.
    4. The Member shall indemnify TEC and its respective officers, employees and agents, from all claims, liability, or loss, and all damages and costs incurred by TEC which arise from the use of the Plan Inclusions or Services. The Member shall be required to maintain sufficient public liability insurance to cover such potential liability.

    1. This Agreement is personal and is not assignable.
    2. All notices must be in writing or email. Notices to either party will be considered served if mailed by registered post or by email to the address or emails specified overleaf.
    3. The invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of this Agreement shall not affect or impair the validity of any other provision. No waiver of any default of the Member shall be implied from any failure by TEC to take action with respect to such default.
    4. Where the Member comprises more than one individual, such individuals shall be jointly and severally liable to observe and perform the Member’s obligations under this Agreement.
    5. This Agreement supersedes any prior Agreements and embodies the entire Agreement between the Member and TEC and may not be modified, changed or altered in any way except as agreed by both parties in writing. This Agreement shall be interpreted and enforced in accordance with the national and local laws in which the Centre is located.
    6. Membership is non-transferable to other parties or individuals, without the express permission of The Executive Centre.